On May 2-3, 2023, an international scientific and practical conference is held on the topic «Actual problems of mathematical modeling and information technology» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Uteuliyev Nietbay Uteulievich, professor of Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al- Khwarizmi. Professors, teachers, specialists, researchers of leading foreign higher educational institutions, as well as higher and secondary specialized educational institutions and research institutions of Republic of Uzbekistan can take part in the international scientific and practical conference.
The conference works in the following sections:

  1. Actual problems of algebra, functional analysis and geometry
  2. Mathematical analysis and its applications
  3. Differential and integral equations. Inverse and ill-posed problems.
  4. Applied problems of computational mathematics, mathematical modeling and information technologies
  5. Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition
  6. Modeling of telecommunication networks and systems. Promising Research in Information Security
  7. Application of innovative technologies in education


  • Conference working languages: Russian, English, Uzbek and Karakalpak.
  • Abstracts are drawn up in Microsoft text editor Word in A4 format. The work should not exceed 3 pages and should be in Times font New Roman , 14 point size, line spacing 1.5 spacing, indent from the pages above and below - 2 cm, on the right - 1.5 and on the left - 3.0 cm.
  • After the article title centered - the initials and surnames of the authors, on the next line in the center - the full name of the organization, e-mail. Then the main text of the thesis, list of references and recommendations.
  • The content of the abstracts should correspond to the topics and directions of the conference, be based on relevance, analysis and practical recommendations should be given.
  • If the text contains tables and figures, they should be numbered. ("Table 1" in bold). The numbering of formulas, theorems, lemmas, results and references to the literature should not be put down automatically.
  • The file name must be written in Latin letters, indicating the first author's surname and the corresponding section number (for example, 5_Pirimbetov_AO.doc).
  • The submitted abstracts are not edited, all responsibility for the scientific content of the abstracts, style of presentation, originality and grammar rests with the authors. The organizing committee has the right not to accept abstracts sent after the deadline or that do not meet the registration requirements for publication.
  • The registration fee of the conference and the cost of publishing a collection of materials are set at 50,000 sum per abstract (no fee is charged from foreign authors).
Deadline for submission of articles: April 10, 2023. To participate in the conference, you must send abstracts by e-mail: conftatunf2023@gmail.com

Address of the organizing committee: Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi. 230100, Nukus city, A.Dosnazarov street, 74 house.
For information, contact associate professor Kutlymuratov Yusup Kulbaevich (tel. +998977704724).